Recent Projects
The following are current and ongoing projects :

Smelter Project
PT Adipati Makmur Sejahtera (MMS Group Indonesia)
MMS Group Indonesia has aspirations to become a sustainable and trusted energy company for all Indonesian people. All of our efforts are aimed at creating a green society for Indonesia that is tough, independent and sustainable. We realize these aspirations through our business which provides integrated energy from upstream to downstream as well as a business with a green environment nuance.
Nickel Industry
PT Wanxiang Nickel Indonesia
PT. Wanxiang Nickel Indonesia is domiciled in Indonesia. With a smelter (processing plant) located in Bahomotefe Village, Bungku Timur District, Morowali Regency, Central Sulawesi Province.
The company’s core business is nickel mining and ferronickel smelting. Currently, the company has obtained a permit to build a smelter as well as an environmental impact assessment and all necessary permits for the construction of a smelter, finalized the land concession for the industrial area, and put maximum efforts into the ongoing construction projects of the smelter area which have started since 2015.

Alumina Industry
PT Indonesia Chemical Alumina
PT Indonesia Chemical Alumina (ICA) is the first company in Indonesia producing Chemical Grade Alumina (CGA) with a capacity of 300,000 tonnes per annum based on the proven and cost-effective Bayer process. ICA’s CGA plant is strategically located with good transportation links and supported by a captive bauxite supply owned by PT ANTAM Tbk, Indonesia’s leading diversified mineral company.
With ANTAM’s nearby bauxite concessions containing 100m dry metric tonnes (“DMT”) of bauxite reserves and 236m DMT of resources coupled with positive industry trends as demand for CGA is set to rise, ICA is well positioned to deliver solid returns to its shareholders and stakeholders.
Paper Manufacturing Company
PT Pura Barutama
PURA started as early as 1908 when the company was still a letterpress printing shop. Then in 1970, the third generation initiated a steady movement to develop the company into the renowned Pura Group, a modern corporation as we see today. PURA has been living the philosophy of producing special innovative products as import substitute for local market and export commodity for international market. After more than four decades, PURA now has become an expansive industrial group with 30 integrated production divisions built on over 100-hectare area, accommodating 13,000 workforces, exporting products to more than 90 countries.

Synthetic cotton Company
PT Rayon Utama Makmur
Also known as RUM Indonesia, is one of the Rayon or Viscose Staple Fiber Manufacturer in Indonesia. Our Main Manufacturing Processes to produce Rayon Products is located in Sukoharjo, Central Java, Indonesia. RUM Indonesia started its operation in the year of 2018 as part of PT. Sri Rejeki Isman, Tbk., which is one of the leading Textile Manufacturer in South East Asia.
Power Generation Company
PT General Energy Bali
- PT General Energy Bali (GEB) is an independent power producer which is developing a 380 MW IPP at Celukan Bawang – North Bali, to meet the needs of the underserved Java-Bali grid
- GEB has secured land for an two additional 300 MW blocks
- GEB has executed a 30 year PPA with PLN
- China Huadian, as the 51% strategic investor in the project, is the taking EPC / O&M roles as well

Textile Company
PT Unggul Jaya Sejahtera
Batik Unggul Jaya is located in Samborejo Village, Tirto District, Pekalongan Regency. We grew into a batik printing company that designs, manufactures and markets our own high quality products. The Indonesian people are familiar with our products through various brands such as the Presidential Palace, H. Santoso, Cakning, Suramadu, Sekar Mekar, Bumi Jaya, Kenz Batik, Cibulan, etc.
Power Generation Company
PT Prima Elektrik Power
PT. Prima Elektrik Power is engaged in the Steam Power Plant located in Gresik Regency – East Java, Indonesia

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