PT. Wanxiang Nickel Indonesia is domiciled in Indonesia. With a smelter (processing plant) located in Bahomotefe Village, Bungku Timur District, Morowali Regency, Central Sulawesi Province.
The company’s core business is nickel mining and ferronickel smelting. Currently, the company has obtained a permit to build a smelter as well as an environmental impact assessment and all necessary permits for the construction of a smelter, finalized the land concession for the industrial area, and put maximum efforts into the ongoing construction projects of the smelter area which have started since 2015.
The first phase is expected to reach full-scale production by the end of 2017, consisting of 4 sets of 80 m³ blast furnace units, 4 sets of 36000kva RKEF units, 2 sets of 65MW coal-fired power plants, 100,000 tons port capacity.
The second phase will build 4 sets of RKEF 36,000-40,000kva units, 2 sets of 200MW steam power plant units. Annual production reaches 600,000 tons of ferronickel with annual consumption of 6 million tons of nickel ore. And also plans to build a stainless steel processing project.
In the years 2023, PT Energy Utama Alam Mulia shipped 20,000 MT of coal with a GAR standard of 3800-4200 Kcal/kg.